Monday, March 26, 2012

Acts Chapter 9

In this Chapter we see the conversion of Saul, and the very beginning of his ministry.

Our discussion questions are:

  • Why was it, that Paul was so vehement against the Christians?
  • Who was it who Paul was physically persecuting?
  • Who is it who Jesus claims he is persecuting?
  • How can Jesus make this claim?
  • Why do you think Paul was struck blind?
  • Was there a purpose to it?
  • It was curse or a blessing? And what did Paul probably feel that it was?
  • What do you guys think about the powerful ministry of Ananias?
  • How was it that Paul came to know so much about the Gospel?
  • Why might it have been necessary for him to know so much so quickly?
  • We have read in this book of many times when Christians were beaten and even killed. Why was did Paul sneak out of the city?
  • How do we know when it is time to die, or time to run?
  • Why are some people healed and some people not healed?

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