It is a little late, but these are the discussion questions for acts chapter 2.
In this chapter we see the beginning of the Church on the day of Pentecost. After spending time in prayer together the believers are filled with Holy Spirit, rushing out from their room and speaking in previously unknown languages to the crowds in the streets below. Peter explains this phenomenon to the surprised onlookers and many people come to know Christ.
Verse 1:
- What is Pentecost?
- Is this the first time that they are described as being in one accord?
Verses 2-4:
- Is there a significance to the physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit?
- Do these kind of manifestations just happen to get our attention?
Verses 5-16:
- So what details about this miracle are significant?
- Peter says, “let me explain this to you.” So right off the bat, what is Peter’s strategy in presenting the gospel?
- How might it be considered “relational”
- How might that look for us, if we were to employ that same model?
Verses 17-21:
- Continuing this model, how does Peter explain their experience?
Verses 22-29:
- Why is it significant that David is dead?
Verses 30-41:
- How did Peter know how to answer the question “What should we do?”
- Is the answer to that question always the same?
- What Aspects of the Great Commission are being fulfilled here?
- Was this the end of the story?
Verses 42-47:
- How did they go about this life of Christianity?
- Is there a connection between the arrival of the Holy Spirit and the life style we see here?
- How did/does the Holy Spirit help in living in community?
- How do we express community?
- How can we express community better?