Saturday, October 22, 2011

Acts chapter 1

At our next Home Group we will be doing Chapter 1 of Acts.

In this chapter Luke recaps the end of his former book, retelling of Christ's final statements to His disciples and of His assent into heaven.

So concepts that are noteworthy and worth contemplating are:

  • We read that Christ gave instructions "through the Holy Spirit," what role did the Holy Spirit play in Christ's ministry?
  • Though Christ is said to have spoken with the disciples about the Kingdom of God, it also seems from verses 6-8 that the Kingdom was in someways still to come.
  • The disciples were told to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. 
    • What was the significance of the Holy Spirit to the disciples? 
    • In what ways is that same Spirit significant to us? 
    • Should we wait on the Holy Spirit? 
    • What does that look like?
  • Could Christ's command to the disciples to minister to Jerusalem, Samaria and the ends of the Earth have any application for us today?
  • After seeing Christ being taken up into heaven the Apostles sit and stare and are reprimanded for this. How does this comment on the "Act"ive nature of this book? 

We will be talking about these and other ideas as we study the first chapter of acts at out home groups on Sunday and Tuesday nights. We hope to see you there, but why wait to until then? If you want to start talking about these things now, just leave a comment.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Acts Over View

Our home groups will be beginning the Book of Acts.

We find the book of acts just following the Gospels. In contrast to the Gospels, which begin with Christ's birth and end with His ascension into heaven, the book of Acts begins with Christ's ascension and develops from there to tell the awesome story of Christ's ministry on earth continuing through His body, the Church.

We will get to explore the birth of the church, its growth in the city of Jerusalem, its spread into the Samaritan suburbs and then its dramatic jump from the Jewish to Gentile culture. We will see Paul's conversion, and his efforts as church planter, as he shares Christ's message all over the known world.

In all these things we will get to see many themes develop. As we explore the Book of Acts we will address the following questions:
  • What role does the Holy Spirit take in church growth?
  • What does a healthy church look like?
  • How does the body operate in community?
  • What are the best practices of church planting?
  • How does the church solve its disagreements?
  • What is the significance of diversity in the church?
  • Are we called to follow the will of god to our own detriment?
As you read this book, ask these questions, and any others that come to mind! Now is a great time to start!